
Augustana College's Boe Forum

'Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf spoke in Sioux Falls on Friday evening, the latest in a distinguished list of speakers at Augustana College's Boe Forum on Public Affairs'. This is an excerpt from a news article on the Internet which indicates that President Musharraf is widely respected and people out side Pakistan are willing to benefit from his experience. Another quote read below from the same article which again indicates that renowned media think highly of Musharraf too.

''Time magazine once described Musharraf's position as "the most dangerous job in the world." He positioned Pakistan as a critical ally to the United States in the Middle East, positioned right in the heart of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, against al-Qaeda and the Taliban.He survived two assassination attempts, rooted out militants in his own government and hunted for Osama bin Laden, believed to be hiding in the lawless border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. At the same time, he worked to build the democracy in his country, empowered citizens to participate in local governments, opened up the media and liberated women to participate in all levels of government''. Read more...

I quote another piece from his interview here where he has spoken regarding the Muslims outstanding issues ; ''He said the US should help settle long-standing disputes such as Palestine and Kashmir to build up support among Muslim countries''. Now read this a Pakistani regional paper and an Indian Internet news agency both have deleted this paragraph from the news. The Indian papers deleting any thing goes in favour of 'Kashmir' is understandable but why Pakistani Papers? Is it because it is said by Musharraf? We are proud of him he is speaking for the Muslim people ,countries and Kashmiri people yet any Pakistani leader neither has the opportunity nor has the guts to speak. The matter of fact is that Pakistan government in past and may be now too hire lobby firms and pay them in millions.

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