
Inhuman act of the Indians.....

Yesterday I have drawn readers attention to an article printed in The News Int. written by Hamid Mir. I have some concerns and reservations regarding this baseless story. It has not been disclosed yet the source who actually have 'fed' the writer however question may be asked that if it was in 2004 when Musharaf rewarded this 'blue-eyes-boy' why Hamid Mir didn't say anything that time and after even in last five years? Why he made up this story at this time? Its not in the interest of the country or the people of that country then Why? Its not helping Kashmiris in any way also then why? What are the motives behind?

Indian media picked it up immediately and has blown the story all over the world. The Indians are only referring to officer's sliting throat but not mentioning of the 5 Kashmiri ladies beheaded by the Indian soldiers. The cruelty and inhuman act of the Indian soldiers is not seen worth mention. But allegedly taken action by the 'Mujahideen' was in retaliation, as it is in the story. Indian media's incorrect and bias reporting will create more problem for Pakistan and freedom struggle of Kashmiri people will bear a setback, thanks to Hamid Mir and his bosses.

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