

T o d a y is another very sad day for all true Pakistanis. Once again Muslim people gathered to pray the Almighty Allah (ST) in a Masjid once again so-called Muslim has carried out a heinous attack on the Masjid situated in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Islamic Republic ??? Consequently dozens have been martyred that included children, men and high rank Army officers. A great loss!

Is it a lack of security? Is this the price we are paying of our self-denial of some of our unpopular acts we have been involved?

I personally think we have to pay the price of our self-denial. In the name of Islam these so-called Muslims have been killing innocent people around the world. Now they are becoming homeless and in the desperate situation have started killing the people of Pakistan.

I think the government of Pakistan is also lacking in legislation to combat this menace for the days, weeks or months to come. It must be understood that they have helpers and collaborates in the society and more likely in political and religious organisations. These element only could survive in these organisations. The government of Pakistan must take a bold action to combat this increasing danger to Pakistan's stability and integrity. Only way left to handle this danger is to legislate some tough laws for the helpers and collaborators also to control so-called sympathisers. The political and religious leaders must be checked and their links should be vetted on the regular basis because for these terrorists from the inside of the country its easy to blend with and find safe heaven with these organisations. No security agencies dare to search these leaders accommodations and properties. I would recommend that Sharif brothers, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, syed Munawar Hussain and so-called journalists like Irfan Siddiqui, Sahbahi, Hamid mir and many others who actually encourage these terrorists should be dealt as soon as possible.

Secondly its time the government should find/import or ask the scientists to invent sort of device that can be installed on the every city, towns and villages' entry points to detect the weapon and explosives.

I recall once it was announced in president Musharraf's time that such devices will be installed on every city's entry point. Why not it was implemented not known but its never too late.